复试的cloze 是给30个词,选词填空,但是部分需要变形,讲的是女性就业及薪酬情况,我做这道题的时候觉得还好,不难,但是个别词非常纠结,这道题要细心,具体的前后缀、词性、时态的变化都要注意,联系上下文。Cloze 我基本没怎么练,因为大一大二基英课练习的很多,没有花时间在这上面。今年复试cloze原文如下:
A Woman’s Work Is Never Done
More and more women are now joining the paid labor force world-wide. They represent the majority of the workforce in all the sectors which are expanding as a result of globalization and trade liberalization—the informal sector, including subcontracting; export processing or free trade zones; homeworking; and the “flexible”, part-time, temporary, low-paid labor force. Even in countries which have low levels of women paid workers, such as the Arab countries, employment is rising.
In South-East Asia, women represent up to 80 per cent of the workforce in the export processing zones, working mainly in the labor-intensive textile, toy, shoe and electronic sectors. In Latin American and the Caribbean, 70 per cent of economically active women are employed in services. Many women in South-East Asia are moving from manufacturing into services. Long excluded from many paid jobs and thus economically dependent on husbands or fathers, paid employment has undoubtedly brought economic and social gains to many women. For many previously inexperienced young women, the opportunity to gain financial independence, albeit limited and possibly temporary, has helped break down some of the taboos of their societies and prescriptions on women’s behavior.
Any gains, however, should be seen in a wider context. Declining economic and social conditions throughout the world, in particular declining household incomes, have compelled many women to take any kind of paid work to meet their basic needs and those of their families. The jobs available to them are, in the main, insecure and low-paid with irregular hours, high levels of intensity, little protection from health and safety hazards and few opportunities for promotion.
Women’s high participation in informal employment is partly due to the fact that many jobs in the formal economy are not open to them: they are actively excluded from certain kinds of work or lack access to education and training or have domestic commitments. The increase of women’s participation in the informal sector has been most marked in the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa where sharp economic decline and structural adjustment policies have reduced the official job market drastically.
Job gains for some women have meant losses for others. Female employment in export production is increasing in Bangladesh, Vietnam and El Salvador, for instance, while women in Taiwan and Hong Kong are faced with redundancies as the industries which have relied on their labor for three decades (textile, clothing, shoe and electronics) relocate elsewhere. (In South Korea, industries which tend to employ men on steel, petrochemicals, electricity, automobiles, shipbuilding, machinery, have received government subsidies to stay put.)
As domestic markets are opened up to international competition and quotas which restricted the quantity of imports from any one country are abandoned, cheap, subsidized foreign imports are threatening the livelihoods of many women small producers and entrepreneurs in “cottage industries”. In countries such as India and Bangladesh, for instance, more than 90 per cent of economically-active women work in the informal sector at jobs such hand loom weaving. Far from escaping patriarchal control, the industrial setting invariably replicates it, the head of the factory taking the place of husband or father. To attract investors, some Asian countries such as Malaysia and Thailand emphasize the “dexterity of the small hands of the Oriental women and traditional attitude of submission”.
In general, women are paid less than men are, and women’s jobs pay less than men’s jobs. On average, most women earn 50 to 80 per cent of men’s pay, but there are considerable variations. In Tanzania, which ranks first in the world for pay equality, women earn 92 per cent of what men earn; in Bangladesh, they earn 42 per cent. Women also have less job security and fewer opportunities for promotion. Higher status jobs, even in industries which employ mostly women, tend to be filled by men.
In addition, women usually have to continue their unpaid domestic and caring work, such as of children, the sick and the elderly, which is often regarded as women’s “natural” and exclusive responsibility. Even when they have full-time jobs outside the home, women take care of most household tasks, particularly the preparation of meals, cleaning and child care. When women become mothers, they often have no option other than to work part-time or accept home work.
面试那天MTI 8:45签到,我们所有人都在一个大教室候考,可以带纸质资料进去看,手机关机。今年MTI总共分为14组,每组10-11人,每组同一编号的同学为一批,由学姐带领着去另一个候考室,然后去听力教室先看5分钟视译材料后开始听复述的音频,听完复述音频后会有学姐根据你的组别带你去面试教室。在去面试教室的路上可以慢慢走,组织一下语言想想怎么复述,路上的时间够整理一遍了。今年14个面试教室里每个教室有3个面试老师,都是高翻和英文学院的老师,进教室后先签到,然后坐下老师问了我的名字,然后开始让我复述。复述材料是speech repository 上的,讲的是hitchhiking的优缺点,逻辑非常清楚,语速跟VOA常速差不多,没什么口音,比较简单。我就记了几个关键词,没用笔记法,也没想到用笔记法,因为练得少不熟。推荐大家用speech repository上的音频练习复述。复述完之后老师就让开始视译。今年视译材料比较简单,就跟平时练得材料差不多,英译中的材料是古特雷斯2018年元旦的致辞里节选的,我之前用这个练过复述,不过还是有个地方犯了个小错误,好遗憾。原文为Conflicts have deepened and new dangers have emerged. Global anxieties about nuclear weapons are the highest since the Cold War. Climate change is moving faster than we are.Inequalities are growing.And we see horrific violations of human rights.Nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise.And as we begin 2018, I call for unity. I truly believe we can make our world more safe and secure. We can settle conflicts, overcome hatred and defend shared values. But we can only do that together.
I urge leaders everywhere to make this New Year\'s resolution:Narrow the gaps. Bridge the divides. Rebuild trust by bringing people together around common goals.Unity is the path. Our future depends on it.